KFC: Our Daily Chicken…

A salesman from KFC walked up to the Pope and offers him a million
dollars if he would change "The Lord's Prayer" from "give us this day
our daily bread" to "give us this day our daily chicken." The Pope
refused his offer. Two weeks later, the man offered the pope 10 million
dollars to change it from "give us this day our daily bread" to "give us
this day our daily chicken" and again the Pope refused the man's
generous offer. Another week later, the man offered the Pope 20 million
dollars and finally the Pope accepted. The following day, the Pope said
to all his officials, "I have some good news and some bad news. 'The
good news is, that we have just received a check for 20 million dollars.
The bad news is, we lost the Wonder Bread account!'''

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